The Minister for the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery wishes to inform the general public that he has no Facebook account or any other social media account for which persons acting as his agent(s) are peddling false information in respect of recruitment into the security Agencies under the Ministry of the Interior.

The general public should, therefore, take note of this and report any person or group of persons purporting to be agent(s) of the Minister of the Interior’s personal Facebook or any Social Media handle/account in respect of recruitment, since the information being peddled is false and cannot be attributed to the Minister for the Interior who does not operate such an account.

Please, note that all communication relating to recruitment into the Security Services under the Ministry of the Interior would be extensively published in the national dailies and on the Ministry of the Interior’s website at the appropriate time.

The general public is therefore, advised to be wary of such fraudster(s) and not to deal with any person or group of persons purporting to be acting as agent(s) of Mr. Ambrose Dery (MP) on a Facebook account.

Thank you.



            CHIEF DIRECTOR