To achieve its mandate and objectives, the Ministry operates through ten (10) Agencies:

- Home
- The Ministry
- Directorates
- Agencies
- Services
- Fees and Charges
- Dual Nationality/Citizenship
- Naturalization as Ghanaian Citizen
- Registration as Citizen of Ghana
- Licensing of Private Security Organization
- Permit to Import and Licence Firearm (Pistol)
- Exportation of Dead Bodies
- Granting of Auctioneer’s Licences
- Immigrant Quota Permit
- Permission to Import/Export Explosives
- Work Permit
- Indefinite Residence Permit
- Renunciation of Ghanaian Citizenship
- Registration of Minor as Citizen of Ghana
- Right of Abode
- Permit to Import/Export Arms and Ammunition
- Permit for Key Cutting
- Media
- Contact Us
Select Page