Requirements for New Applicants
Purchase Personality Form at the Ministry of the Interior
Submit application letter (addressed to the Hon. Minister, Ministry of the Interior, Accra) and completed personality note forms with the following:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Company Directors and Shareholders
- Copy of Company Registration
- A copy of Company’s Code
- Certificate of incorporation
- Police Clearance certificate for Warehouse
Time Frame
Six (6) months
Requirements for Existing Applicants
Importation of Arms and Ammunition
- Submit letter addressed to the Hon. Minister, Ministry of the Interior, Accra with the following documents:
- Evidence of Authority to deal in the product
- Receipt of Payment
Take delivery of the Arms and Ammunition
- Submit letter addressed to the Hon. Minister, Ministry of the Interior, Accra with a copy of import permit
Time Frame
Two (2) weeks
Transiting of Arms and Ammunition
- Submit letter addressed to the Hon. Minister, Ministry of the Interior, Accra with the following documents:
- Invoice for the product
- Copy of import permit from the Ministry
Tel: +233-303-95 65 58