As part of the 2023 Civil Service Week Celebration and Awards Ceremony, the Ministry of the Interior, participated in the Clean-up Exercise. The Staff mowed the forecourt of the Ministry and cleanedup the various offices and surroundings.

The Celebration, which is under the auspices of the Office of the Head of Civil Service, is on the theme: ‘Enhanced Service Delivery and Economic Transformation in Ghana: The Civil Service in Focus’.

Activities lined up for the celebration are Press launch, Christian and Muslim thanksgiving service, Public lecture, Policy fair and exhibition, Clean up exercise and health screening and it will be climaxed by Awards ceremony at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The Celebration was set aside to highlight the collective strategies adopted by the Civil Service for the continuous improvement of government. It also seeks to recognize the strategic importance of employees of the Civil Service to national development and honour their dedicated and selfless service to the public and citizens of Ghana.