At a working visit to the Ghana Immigration Service, the Minister for the Interior, Hon. Henry Quartey, called on the Officers to perform their duties professionally and protect Ghana’s territorial borders before, during and after the 2024 general elections. The purpose of the visit was to acquaint himself with the operations, the situation on the ground and feedback for proper planning,

He revealed that considering the critical role Ghana Immigration plays in the security architecture of the country, Government recruited over 9, 400 eligible personnel into the Ghana Immigration Service from 2017-2023 to boost the human resources of the Service to deliver on its mandate.

According to him, the true benefits of migration and border security can be derived if the requisite structures and logistical resources are effectively put in place by the Government. He, further disclosed that currently, the Ghana Immigration Service can boast of over 360 vehicles and 250 motorbikes. This, he described as a remarkable achievement.

He acknowledged the fact that Government is aware of the challenges faced by the Service in the area of logistics, office and residential accommodation, among others and that Government is committed to finding reasonable and realistic solutions to solving some of the challenges being faced by the Service so that Officers would continuously avail themselves to manage and protect the borders of Ghana.

Hon. Henry Quartey commended GIS for their good work and improvement. He said Government would continue to rely on them to perform their duties professionally, effectively and efficiently to protect Ghana’s borders to ensure peace and security in the country as Ghana prepares for the 2024 general elections.

The Comptroller General of Immigration, Mr. Kwame Asuah Takyi, thanked the Government for its continuous support in human resources, and logistics among others. He assured that GIS will continue to do its best and serve mother Ghana to the best of its ability.