1 J.K. Mensah   Presidents Nominee (Chairman)
2 Mr. Francis K. Torkonoo   Narcotics Control Commission
3 Mr. Frederick Ahenkorah Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority
4 Mrs. Delese A.A. Darko Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)
5 Mrs. Lucy Abebrese   Financial Intelligence Commission
6 Ms. Aba Jacqueline Opoku   Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO)
7 Mr. Edward Asomani National Security Council Secretariat
8 Hon. Alhaji Mahama Asei Seini Ministry of Health
9 Mrs. Adelaide Anno-Kumi Ministry of the Interior
10 ACP/Mr. Frederick Kwadwo Agyei Ghana Police Service (Criminal Investigations Department)
11 Mrs. Yvonne Atakora Obuobisa Office of the Attorney-General
12 Mr. Isaac Kofi Egyir Ghana Prisons Service
13 Col. Zibrim B. Ayorrogo Ghana Armed Forces
14 Mr. Benjamin K. Gyasi Ministry of Education
15 Mr. Laud Ofori Affrifah Ghana Immigration Service