The Minister for the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery inaugurated a 13-member Governing Council of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) at the Ministry of the Interior Conference Room in Accra.

The members are; Dr. Edward Prempeh, Chairman of the Council, Mr. Kwame Asuah-Takyi, Comptroller-General, GIS, Mrs. Adelaide Anno-Kumi, Chief Director for the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Samuel Ayer, Dr. Millicent Degraft-Johnson, Mr. Louis Obeng, Mr. Alfred Tuah Yeboah, Mr. Moses Kwabena Gyamfi, Mr. Peter Zwennes Esq, Mrs. Hagar Dery, Mr. Aziz Futa, Hon. Jabaah John Bennam and Mr. Michael Obeng Odame.

In his remarks, Mr. Ambrose Dery commended the members on their appointment and entreated them to look forward together and come out with interventions to make the Service more thriving, inclusive and effective for the country.

“We promise to continue our effort of adequately equipping the Ghana Immigration Service and make sure that the Service becomes a world-class Security Service in delivering excellence in security and migration management for national development,” he said.

The Minister said the President’s directives to close the land borders to help control the inflow of travellers with possible Covid-19 virus infection, is still relevant. He further stated that the decision to close the borders is also being implemented by other Governments in the sub-region.

Mr. Ambrose Dery assured the good people of Ghana that the borders will be opened when the time is right and that everybody should be patient since measures are being put in place to contain the menace.

Touching on capacity building, he said the government will continue to build the capacity of Service personnel by recruiting more personnel to augment the staff strength of the GIS.When we took over the reigns of Government in our first term, the Service was faced with the issue of backlog in the promotions of officers. Today, as we speak, over 3,000 officers, have been promoted to their next ranks,” he stated.

He encouraged members of the Council to be dedicated to their work and improve the efficiency of services delivered at the GIS.