The Chief Director for the Ministry of the Interior, Mrs. Adelaide Anno-Kumi, said Ghana is committed to partner International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in bringing innovation which will enhance the country’s migration trends for peace and security.

According to her, the country is affected by all facets of migration and mobility including regular, irregular, refugees, human trafficking and cross border crimes and therefore, there is a need for collaboration to strengthen the country’s borders to prevent any unforeseen situation.

Mrs. Anno-Kumi was speaking at the launch of IOM Ghana Country Strategy for 2022 to 2025 in Accra. The strategy outlines how IOM is preparing to respond to migration trends and its challenges to the government’s priorities through collaboration with the United Nations Agencies, Civil Society Organisations and the private sector.

She said since the majority of the Ghanaian population is made up of youth, unemployment is one of the contributing factors for Ghanaian youth to embark on irregular and unsafe journeys to seek greener pastures.

Mrs Anno-Kumi indicated that globalisation and threats of terrorism, terrorist financial and transnational criminal activities have also made border management a matter of great concern to national security.

The Chief Director commended the IOM for its support in border management and other support over the years, adding that the new country strategy would help intensify gains made over the years.

The Chief of Party of the IOM Ghana, Ms. Abibatou Wane-Fall, indicated that there are 476,400 migrants in Ghana with more than one million Ghanaians living abroad.

She described the migrants as engines for social development in their host communities and origins hence the need for alliance and robust measures to help control the positives of migration and limit its adverse impacts.