The Minister for the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery has revealed that Ghana is home to nearly fourteen thousand (14,000) refugees who have escaped from ravages of war in the home countries of Liberia, Togo, Sudan, Cote D’Ivoire amongst others.

He has therefore called for the need to tackle the root causes of refugee problems in the sub-region in particular and the Continent as a whole.

The Minister made these statements during the inauguration of the Eleven- Member Ghana Refugee Board in Accra on Monday, July 10, 2017.

Addressing members of the Board, Mr. Ambrose Dery indicated, refugee matters have become complex in recent times, therefore necessitating the need for an urgent collaborating between state parties to help stem the menace.

He has therefore urged the members to bring their in-depth knowledge, experience and expertise in refugee matters bear in their discharge of their duties.

He also requested of the Board, to collaborate with the Ministry to get Ghana to ratify the two UN Conventions relating to Stateless Persons and “Statelessness”.

Additionally, the Board is expected to review some of the outdated provisions of the Ghana Refugee Law, 1992 to reflect international best practices.

The Board is made up of Prof. Kenneth Agyeman Attafua of NIA, as Chairman,Mrs. Audrey naana Abayena, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Mr. Laud Kwesi Ofori Afriffa, Ghana Immigration Service, Mr. Gavivina Yao Tamakloe, NADMO and Mr. Devine Ayidzou, Ministry of Education.

The Rest are Clarence Kuwuornu, Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General’s Department, Mr. Anothony Ayensu-Asare, Bureau of National Investigation, Mr. Edmund Quartey, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Ms. Rosemary Abbey, Ministry of the interior, ACOP Frederick Adu Anim (ESQ, Ghana Police Service and Mrs. Frederica Owuani of the Department of Social Welfare.

Public Affairs & Com. Unit│Accra, July 10, 2017