The Minister for the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery has urged the Ministry of the Interior’s Entity Tender Committee to exhibit a high level of integrity and professionalism in the discharge of its duties.

The Committee is also expected to avoid conflict of interest whilst it executive its mandate.

These were reiterated by the Mr. Dery after he had sworn in the newly constituted Entity Tender Committee in Accra on Monday, September 18, 2017.

According to the Minister, the Entity Tender Committee (ETC) is a high level governance committee tasked with the mandate to protect the public purse whilst ensuring firm commitment to fairness, transparency and objectivity in the procurement process.

He indicated it was against this background and in line with section of 20 ( A & B ) of the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016  (Act 914) that the Ministry of the Interior had inaugurated the committee charged to promote accountability.

The Minister implored the committee members to bring their experience to bare in the Committees work.

“….. I am very happy that the Committee is made up of qualified and experienced professionals with diverse expertise which would aid in the efficient discharge of its functions.

I do not need to remind you of our recent history and experiences as nation regarding how the public purse was handled, especially in areas bothering on procurement” Mr. Dery said.

In his remarks, Mr. Henry Quartey, Chairman of the Committee thanked His Excellency, the President for the confidence reposed in them to serve on the committee.

He on behalf of the other members assured the President of their readiness to work diligently and particularly in consonant with the schedule 5 of the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016  (Act 914) which requires all Entity Tender Committees to perform specific functions which include:

Reviewing and approving annual procurement plans and approve quarterly updates of these procurements plans.

The Committee is also to confirm the range of acceptable costs of items to be procures and match these with available funds in the approved budget.

Additionally, it to review schedules of procurement and specifications and ensure that procurement procedures as followed in strict conformity with the Act.

Other functions of the Committee are assisting the head of entity to ensure that stores, vehicles and equipment are disposed of in accordance with the Act, facilitate contract administration and ensure compliance with reporting procedures and; ensuring the necessary concurrent approval is obtained from the appropriate Tender Review Committee where applicable.

The Committee consist of Mr. Henry Quartey, Deputy Minister for the Interior, Chairman, Messers Adelaide Anno-Kumi, Annan Kakabaah, Assan-Brew, Daniel Nartey and Rose Tsorhey, all from the Ministry of the Interior.

The rest are William Kpobi, Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General Department and a representative each from the Ghana Bar Association and Institute of Engineers.