Author: Savio

Imposition of Curfew within Nkwanta Township in the Nkwanta South Municipality of the Oti Region

The Minister for the Interior has on the advice of the Oti Regional Security Council and by the Executive Instrument imposed curfew on Nkwanta Township in the Oti Region from 6:00pm – 6:00am effective Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Government wishes to appeal to all to exercise restraint and to use the established mechanisms for the resolution of all their conflicts and disputes. Meanwhile, Government will like to reiterate that, there is a ban on all persons in Nkwanta Township and its environs from carrying arms, ammunition or any offensive weapons and any persons found with any arms or ammunition...

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Imposition of Curfew on Kpatinga and Its Environs in the Northern Region

The Minister for the Interior has on the advice of the Northern Regional Security Council and by Executive Instrument renewed the Curfew hours imposed on Kpatinga and its environs from 12:00 midnight to 4:00am effective Friday, July 19, 2024. Government continues to express its appreciation to the Chiefs, Elders, Opinion Leaders, Youth and people of the area to exercise restraint in the face of the challenges confronting them and to use non-violent means to channel their energies into ensuring peace. Meanwhile, there is a total ban on all persons in the Kpatinga and surrounding areas from carrying arms, ammunition...

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Imposition of Curfew on Bimbilla Township and Its Environs in the Northern Region

The Minister for the Interior has on the advice of the Northern Regional Security Council and by Executive Instrument renewed the Curfew hours for Bimbilla Township from 12:00 midnight to 4:00 am effective Friday, July 19, 2024 Government continues to urge Chiefs, Opinion Leaders, Youth and People of the area to exercise restraint in the face of the challenges confronting them and to use non-violent means to channel their energies into ensuring peace to the area. Meanwhile, there is a total ban on all persons in the Bimbilla Township and surrounding areas from carrying arms, ammunition or any offensive...

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Imposition of Curfew on Sampa Township in Jaman North District of Bono Region

The Minister for the Interior, on the advice of the Bono Regional Security Council and by the Executive Instrument has imposed a Curfew on Sampa Township in Jaman North District of the Bono Region following some chieftaincy disputes from 6:00 pm to 6:00am each day effective Thursday, July 18, 2024, until further notice. Government urges Chiefs, Opinion Leaders, Youth and People of the area to exercise restraint in the face of the challenges confronting them and to use non-violent means to channel their grievances into ensuring peace in the area. Meanwhile, there is a total ban on all persons...

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Imposition of Curfew on Drobo, Japekrom, Babianiha, Kwasibourkrom, Mpuasu, Basekrom, Kojokesekrom and Katakyiekrom in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono Region

The Minister for the Interior has by Executive Instrument renewed the curfew hours imposed on Drobo, Japekrom, Babianiha, Kwasibourkrom, Mpuasu, Basekrom, Kojokesekrom and Katakyiekrom in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono Region from 8:00 p.m to 5:00 a.m effective, Thursday, July 18, 2024 Government continues to express its appreciation to the Chiefs, Elders, Opinion Leaders, Youth and people of the area for their effort in ensuring peace in the area and urge them to use the established mechanism for the resolutions of all their conflicts and disputes. Meanwhile, there is a total ban on all persons in the...

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Commissioning of Police Shop: Government committed to enhancing Police infrastructure

At the commissioning ceremony of the newly constructed Police Shop at the National Police Headquarters in Accra, the Vice President Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia reaffirmed Government’s dedication to supporting the Ghana Police Service. He highlighted the significant investments made since 2017, including the provision of housing, vehicles, motorbikes and the recruitment of about 7,000 personnel. The Minister for the Interior, Hon. Henry Quartey, expressed gratitude to the organisations and individuals who contributed to the establishment of the Police Shop. He emphasized Government’s unwavering commitment to prioritizing national security and ensuring peaceful elections in December 2024. He assured that the...

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