The Colombia National Police is expected to share its experience in combating the illicit drugs and transnational organised crime with some African security Institutions/Agencies as part of the Colombia Government’s bilateral relationship with Africa.
The five days seminar which has representation from 9 African countries began in Accra on Monday, June 5, 2017 and it is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Security Institutions and Agencies of African Countries in addressing the phenomenon of illicit drugs and transnational crime.
In his welcome statement, which was read on his behalf by the Chief Director of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery mentioned that Crime has no boundary and it is not peculiar to any race or group so it is imperative that Governments, International Communities and Civil Society Organisations continue to share knowledge on best practices of countries/institutions that has worked in combating the crime and also build synergies.
According to him, crime has assumed transnational dimensions and has become a global phenomenon, thus resulting in sophisticated transnational organised crime syndicates with resources about 10 times the budget of countries.
He therefore commended the Colombia Government and the Colombia National Police for responding to the request of some African countries for capacity building in that area by organising the seminar.
“It is refreshing to know that, the content of these seminars are developed based on the needs of the beneficiary countries thereby making it more relevant and appropriate to suit the local needs.” He said.
The Minister therefore implored the participants to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that they would be shared at seminar to aid them in their work and also in the development of relevant and effective actions or policy plans.
This Year’s International Seminar for the Strengthening of Capacities on Integral Security through the Colombia-Africa Cooperation is the forth for the Africa Region after successfully organising two In 2013 and one in 2014 on Drug Intelligence and Counter narcotics by the Colombia Government.